EPS Summer School

Abstract submission

Abstracts for the poster session and the parallel talks on Tuesday afternoon can be submitted here by 7th June 2024.

Please use the format shown below:

Functional genomics: theory and hands-on data analysis

Moe Abbas1, Roeland Berendsen2, Nora Gigli Bisceglia1, Kaisa Kajala3, Marcel Proveniers4, and Rashmi Sasidharan2

1Plant Stress Resilience; 2Plant-Microbe Interactions; 3Experimental & Computational Plant Development; 4Translational Plant Biology, Department of Biology, Utrecht University, The Netherlands

Our society depends on plants. Plants are the primary source for human and animal nutrition and dominate the natural landscape. Plants provide us with a broad range of commodities ranging from pharmaceuticals to building materials and offer an environment for leisure and recreation. In many ways plants are essential contributors to human well-being and health. Experimental Plant Sciences study the fundamental life processes of plants at different organisational levels, from molecules and cells to whole plants and ecosystems. The goal of these studies is to understand how plants develop and how they function in, and adapt to, continuously changing and often hostile environments. At the Institute of Environmental Biology, Utrecht University several research groups are studying various aspects of plant biology, often using Arabidopsis as a model. In this summerschool, an attractive program is provided in which experts in the field will highlight different aspects of environmental signaling in plants. Additional speakers will be selected from submitted abstracts. Moreover, there will be ample opportunity for discussions during the poster viewing sessions. The summerschool will not only have a focus on Arabidopsis research, also contributions based on other plant species are very much welcomed. The meeting is especially attractive for Ph.D. students, but the program will also be of interest for post-docs and senior scientist.