12th Utrecht PhD Summer School “Environmental Signaling in Plants”
26-28 August 2024, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
We would like to invite you to join the PhD Summer School that has an attractive program with many expert speakers in the field of environmental signaling in plants. In addition to the invited speakers, there are 3 parallel sessions in the program for oral presentations by PhD students that will be selected from submitted abstracts. Moreover, there will be ample opportunity for discussions with speakers and fellow PhD students during breaks/lunch and the poster viewing session. The meeting is especially attractive for PhD students, but the program will also be of interest to post-docs and senior scientists. The summer school is truly international; in past years it has attracted students from many European countries and even from outside Europe. We hope to see you this summer in the beautiful and lively historic city of Utrecht!
The registration & abstract submission is extended to 7th June 2024!

Our society depends on plants, not only as the primary source of food and dominating role in ecosystems, but also as provider of commodities such as pharmaceuticals and building materials. In many ways plants are essential contributors to human well-being and health.

Experimental Plant Sciences study the fundamental life processes of plants at different organisational levels, from molecules & cells to whole plants and ecosystems. The goal of these studies is to understand how plants develop and how they function and adapt in continuously changing and often hostile environments. The challenge is to translate the novel findings to improve food security by breeding, protecting, and growing a new generation of crops for our future food.